Ladies of the world. I mean...my gosh, man. C'mon. No man should be reduced to this kind of thing. Fellas, step your game up so you won't be reduced to it. Here's a list of the 6 strangest things that have taken the place of a partner. Ridiculous.
6. A picnic table. No joke. More than one time. How do we know? His neighbor taped it 4 times.
5. Street signs. Seriously...how do you do that??
4. Bicycles. I don't even see how.
3. A lamp post. I have the same questions you do.
2. A metal park bench. Now this poor fellow...he almost lost his junk when it got stuck in the bench. Don't believe me? Check the footage.
1. Cars. Wow. Apparently, this is a medical condition of people who are called mechaniphiliacs. Wow..just wow.
There is absolutely a moral to this story. If you figure out what it is let me know. Wow.
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