Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Holding Out Hope

I really hate to start the day off on such a somber note, but being a part of the NFL family (or so I think), I'd be dead wrong to not mention the 3 brothers lost at sea off the Gulf of Mexico. My heart goes out to the mourning families. As many of you may already know, the search was called off yesterday for the 3 remaining men, with the authorities citing that if there were indeed survivors, they would've been found by that time. Even more harrowing is listening to the account of the one survivor:

Schuyler told Coast Guard investigators a strange story about the fate of the others, according to family members of two of the missing men. However, they said, given Schuyler's condition when rescued after two days on the sea in cold weather, he may have been delusional.

Schuyler told investigators that about two to four hours after their boat flipped in rough seas, one of the two National Football League players on board gave up hope and let himself be swept away, according to relatives briefed by the Coast Guard.

A few hours later, the second one did the same.

"We were told that Nick said the two NFL players took their life jackets off and drifted out to sea," said Bob Bleakley, whose son Will, 25, a former University of South Florida football player, is also still missing.

With former Tampa Bay Buccaneers Marquis Cooper, 26, and Corey Smith, 29, gone, only Schuyler and Will Bleakley remained clinging to the boat.

Then, sometime early Monday, Will Bleakley thought he saw a light in the distance. He decided to take off his life jacket and swim to it, hoping to get help, Bob Bleakley said Schuyler told the investigators.

Again, from WMack and the IMM family, we are still praying for a miracle in the cases of Misters Cooper, Smith, and Bleakley.


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